Today morning we left Kunstenniemi after a delicious breakfast. After a quick freshing up at home we headed to ICT - house to telling everybody of our project.
At the afternoon everybody presented their projects at the BOOST stage. After all "little" problems with the technology we were really pleased to our presentation and we felt like we have really assimilated our challenge. At the end of this show there was voting for the best presentation and we were number 3!! Wooou we were so excited about this :D
One and a half week later (at 26.11.) we will meet all groups again at the BOOST's space and doing something, we don't know yet what it will be.. :P
So see ya all @ there!
the most multidimentional INNO58H working group in the year 2012 | co-operating with SOS Children's Village
Friday, November 16, 2012
Total eclipse of the brain
After the previous posting we have done a poster, half a prezi-presentation and a report from our project which will be given to SOS - Lapsikylä's representative.
Our biggest challenge today has been BAD INTERNET CONNECTION that has driven us crazy several times.. luckily, the subject of this project has been interesting and that has kept this team on track!
We're almost done (NOT!!!), because Prezi has "a problem" with the page or then somebody is hacking our presentation. Still, what started out as a chaos of crazy ideas has now turned into something great. We're proud of our work and looking forward to sharing it with our fellow In(no-)mates, our coaches, and most of all - our customer SOS-Lapsikylä.
The only ones making noise at the Kunstenkari cottage at 2:10 AM are the hard-working Team Smash-Up, Bonnie Tyler and the Scorpions.
Scorpions - Winds of Change
Our biggest challenge today has been BAD INTERNET CONNECTION that has driven us crazy several times.. luckily, the subject of this project has been interesting and that has kept this team on track!
We're almost done (NOT!!!), because Prezi has "a problem" with the page or then somebody is hacking our presentation. Still, what started out as a chaos of crazy ideas has now turned into something great. We're proud of our work and looking forward to sharing it with our fellow In(no-)mates, our coaches, and most of all - our customer SOS-Lapsikylä.
The only ones making noise at the Kunstenkari cottage at 2:10 AM are the hard-working Team Smash-Up, Bonnie Tyler and the Scorpions.
Scorpions - Winds of Change
Thursday, November 15, 2012
1 000 000 ideas
The second day at Camp Kunstenniemi is turning to evening and darkness is falling outside. The day has gone by fast and been filled with a lot of creative brainstorming, working and eating.
In the afternoon we mixed up the teams and got to share thoughts about our projects and give and get feedback about the work that already has been done. Now we're starting to prepare for tomorrow and make our prezi and write our report!
To be continued...
In the afternoon we mixed up the teams and got to share thoughts about our projects and give and get feedback about the work that already has been done. Now we're starting to prepare for tomorrow and make our prezi and write our report!
To be continued...
Greetings from Kunstenniemi!
First day @ Kunstenniemi was really effective: eating, ideation, eating and innovation again.. mainly eating.
We have enjoyed all the teamwork and working for this particular company for such a good cause. We have co-operated with the other team working for SOS Children's Village and shared our ideas and point of views. Our crew has made up awesome ideas today!
The last task for today was crazy brainstorming before going to sleep. Clock is now around 00:00 and here you have the athmosphere from the last minutes.. :D
We have enjoyed all the teamwork and working for this particular company for such a good cause. We have co-operated with the other team working for SOS Children's Village and shared our ideas and point of views. Our crew has made up awesome ideas today!
The last task for today was crazy brainstorming before going to sleep. Clock is now around 00:00 and here you have the athmosphere from the last minutes.. :D
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Are you having dangerous toughts?
I read a book Vaaralliset ideat (Farliga ideer) by Alf Rehn and I'm really mad at myself for not reading this book earlier! Altough Alf Rehn hoped that people reading his book would be at least little angry, I absolute loved it! Sometimes I had to put the book down for a minute because I was laughing so much :D It's not a very long book but it's heavy stuff (in a good way)!
I try to give you guys some info without telling the whole book.
First, there are 5 steps of dangerous thinking: Copying (matkiminen), Extending the thing you are copying (laajentaminen), Be provocate (provosoiminen), Re-evaluation (uudelleen arviointi) and Dangerous thinking (vaarallinen ajattelu). Because the wasn't in English, I hope you don't understand it very wrong!
So, one of the main points is, that copying someone else's idea is not always a bad thing to do, lets think about Apple! Alf Rehn says that people have two boxes in their head, the first on is the most used part. That has everything that is familiar to us. Then, there is the second box, wicth we use when we extend our thinking. This is not nice, but under stress we can do it. Then, there is the secret world behind our "protection wall" holding the dangerous toughts away from us! Let's see if we can get a sneek peek there in Kunstenniemi ;)
I decided to put Alf Rehns picture here instead of a picture of his book, I think this makes him justice.
I try to give you guys some info without telling the whole book.
First, there are 5 steps of dangerous thinking: Copying (matkiminen), Extending the thing you are copying (laajentaminen), Be provocate (provosoiminen), Re-evaluation (uudelleen arviointi) and Dangerous thinking (vaarallinen ajattelu). Because the wasn't in English, I hope you don't understand it very wrong!
So, one of the main points is, that copying someone else's idea is not always a bad thing to do, lets think about Apple! Alf Rehn says that people have two boxes in their head, the first on is the most used part. That has everything that is familiar to us. Then, there is the second box, wicth we use when we extend our thinking. This is not nice, but under stress we can do it. Then, there is the secret world behind our "protection wall" holding the dangerous toughts away from us! Let's see if we can get a sneek peek there in Kunstenniemi ;)
I decided to put Alf Rehns picture here instead of a picture of his book, I think this makes him justice.
Shaking the world
I read a book called Ravistettava - Omskakas by Saku Tuominen & Katja Lindroos and at the moment I'm so excited about that!
This book tells about this: how you have to be ready for the changing world all the time and what you have to do and how you have to think to achieve all the things you want. This concerns all parts of your life; school, work, freetime and hobbies. Everything is not always what it looks like. Shake it a little bit.
In its simplicity, this is a book about innovation. An a really good one so please, go and get one also!
I'd like to share some parts of the book, that popped up to me while reading:
This book tells about this: how you have to be ready for the changing world all the time and what you have to do and how you have to think to achieve all the things you want. This concerns all parts of your life; school, work, freetime and hobbies. Everything is not always what it looks like. Shake it a little bit.
In its simplicity, this is a book about innovation. An a really good one so please, go and get one also!
"In this book we talk about thinking the other way,
which is like excited wondering.
Usually people think 'WHY this have to be like this' instead of
'WHAT IF this would be like this'.
which is like excited wondering.
Usually people think 'WHY this have to be like this' instead of
'WHAT IF this would be like this'.
I'd like to share some parts of the book, that popped up to me while reading:
- The world changes so fast and human slowly. Humans just have to adapt.
- When a student graduates from school, 50% of the knowledge he/she has just wrote to all the schoolpapers, is already outdated.
- In year 2008 there were one new product per 3 minute that has been published to the audience.
- Hurry is one of the worst enemies in ideation process and creative thinking.
- We are not couraged to hesitate anything. We learn to swallow without thinking. We learn to believe blindly. When we continue to working life from school, we have become humans who have learned not to question enything.
" That situation, that everything is ok,
doesn't mean that it couldn't be any better."
doesn't mean that it couldn't be any better."
- Eveliina
Meeting @ Bremer
We had a planned meeting with the other SOS Children's Village group on 12th November.
We were mainly discussing about the meeting with SOS Children's Village deputy, that is going to be on wednesday morning in Kaarina. The whole other group and Ada from our group are participating in this meeting.
We thought about what kind of information will we need in this project and composed some questions for the meeting.We also shared the information, that everybody have already examined themselves.In its entirety the coorporation of the groups was very good and fluently and everybody participated the conversation well.
We all are looking forward to wednesday and INNO - intensive hours!
See ya over there!
- Eveliina
We were mainly discussing about the meeting with SOS Children's Village deputy, that is going to be on wednesday morning in Kaarina. The whole other group and Ada from our group are participating in this meeting.
We thought about what kind of information will we need in this project and composed some questions for the meeting.We also shared the information, that everybody have already examined themselves.In its entirety the coorporation of the groups was very good and fluently and everybody participated the conversation well.
We all are looking forward to wednesday and INNO - intensive hours!
See ya over there!
- Eveliina
Monday, November 12, 2012
Finland - a giving nation?
While trying to find an answer to the question why finnish people "give" less to charity compared to other nordic countries I've learned that there is no simple answer or easily explained reason for it, and that it actually isn't totally true.
Comparing the results from the years 2010 and 2011 of the World Giving Index score, which is based on three measures of giving behaviour - giving money, volunteering time and helping a stranger, I found out that Finland in 2010 was on the 45th place in the global ranking, but in 2011 Finland enjoyed the greatest increase in the region, moving from 45th place to 21st. Most significant was that "Helping a stranger" grew in one year by ten percentage points. Interesting is that of all the nordic countries Iceland came first, Denmark second and Finland on the third place. while Norway and Sweden came last. So not so bad after all.
Unfortunately the World giving index only can tell how much, but not answer the question why. Some researches claim that the high taxes could be the reason to why Finnish people give less than others, as the taxes are a kind of compulsory charity. Though this wouldn't explain why Denmark got a better score that Finland, considering that they pay even higher taxes.
Apparently Finnish people are also very giving around christmas time and according to a survey made in 2009 one of three Finnish people were going to donate something to charity despite the economic depression. Even the website "This is Finland" says that christmas through time has been the season for giving and that charity, both volunteer work and donating things or money has a high value around christmas time. Maybe Finnish people are not as penny-pinching or selfish as we think!
- Ida
- Ida
I'm Ida, a third year student from Novia. I study civic activities and youth work and will graduate next year as a community educator. I'm into aesthetic arts (music, theatre, poetry, drawing, dancing) and hope to implement my interest and own skills to my future profession. Short and simple I could say that I'm a colourful, creative, crazy and caring person :)
See you at Camp Kunstenniemi!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Ada heter jag och studerar andra året vid Yrkeshögskolan Novia på linjen Medborgaraktivitet och ungdomsarbete. Planen är att utexamineras om ett par år till samhällspedagog. Ursprungligen kommer jag från Helsingfors - har dock blivit långsamt men säkert kär i Åbo. Jag älskar meningsfullhet, Star Wars och långa skogspromenader i Nordsjö. Yrkesmässigt är jag intresserad av allt, men fascineras just nu speciellt av samhällspedagogens roll i skolan och ungdomsarbete i DIY-anda.
And now on to more interesting stuff...
After some initial confusion over our assignment and what Inno is all about, we're finally on track. We had our first private meeting with our group last Monday, where we discussed the books we've read, the information we've gathered on SOS Lapsikylä, and most of all - what has to be done before Kunstenniemi?
The assignment we've been given is not very clear, but I can tell you that it's a mix of SOS Lapsikylä, charity work, and Finnish mentality. Sound vague? You bet it is. But we're still fairly confident we'll do an awesome job once we get to Kunstenniemi and can begin work for real.
For me, the weekend will be all about reading ("Creativity - Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi), getting inspired (RSA Animate & TED talks), and preparing mentally for a little sleep and a lot of brainstorming/hard work. I'm a bit nervous, but very excited.
No wonder my brain is on overdrive, when this is what innovation looks like! :)
Have a nice weekend!
- Ada
Monday, November 5, 2012
Olen todella visuaalinen persoona ja olen aina kaiken mahdollisen "viimeistelijä". Olen myös kova ideoimaan, ja usein pyrin myös toteuttamaan pienet ja suuret ideat, mikäli ne hyödyttävät senhetkistä toimintaa jollain tavalla.
Harrastan silloin tällöin ratsastusta, ja vastapainoksi intensiiviselle opiskelulle pyrin säännöllisin väliajoin rentoutumaan hyvien ystävieni seurassa ja nauttimaan elämästä!
Olen tähän mennessä tutustunut SOS - lapsikylän toimintaan nettisivujen kautta, ja mielestäni sieltä saa kyllä hyvän kuvan sen toiminnasta. Jäin sydän syrjällä lukemaan kertomuksia lapsista ja heidän toiveistaan, ja motivaatio tätä projektia kohtaan kasvoi entisestään. Oikean kirjallisuuden löytäminen on omalla kohdallanikin vielä haaste, ja ehkä lyömmekin seuraavaksi Sinin kanssa viisaat päämme yhteen kirjastossa :)
Tavataan viimeistään INNO - toteutuksessa!
- Eveliina
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Päätimme tehdä itsestämme esittelytekstit ja käsitellä hieman sitä, mistä haemme tietoa ja mitä olemme löydämme.

Olen idealisti persoona ja olen kova tuottamaan toinen toistaan suurempia ideoita ja kääntämään asioita nurinpäin. tarvitsen kuitenkin ympärilleni pitkäjänteisiä ihmisiä, jotta toteutus ei jää kesken.
Harrastan suunnistusta sekä sambiccia (karnevaalisamban ja aerobicin välimuoto), lukemista sekä laulan ja näyttelen. Joka paikan riivinrauta siis.
Olen tähän mennessä ottanut selvää SOS-lapsikylän toiminnasta lähinnä nettisivujen kautta. Olen myös käynyt pitkän keskustelun poikaystäväni kanssa siitä, miten suomalaiset mielestämme suhtautuvat hyväntekeväisyyteen. Kirjallisuus on jäänyt vielä hieman huonolle, sillä en tiedä vielä, minkä tyyppinen lukeminen minua hyödyttäisi eniten. Alkavalla viikolla tapaamme ryhmän kanssa ja käymme löydöksiä läpi, joten tästä se lähtee!
- Sini
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