Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shaking the world

I read a book called Ravistettava - Omskakas by Saku Tuominen & Katja Lindroos and at the moment I'm so excited about that!

This book tells about this: how you have to be ready for the changing world all the time and what you have to do and how you have to think to achieve all the things you want. This concerns all parts of your life; school, work, freetime and hobbies. Everything is not always what it looks like. Shake it a little bit.

In its simplicity, this is a book about innovation. An a really good one so please, go and get one also!

 "In this book we talk about thinking the other way,
which is like excited wondering.
Usually people think 'WHY this have to be like this' instead of
'WHAT IF this would be like this'.

I'd like to share some parts of the book, that popped up to me while reading:

  • The world changes so fast and human slowly. Humans just have to adapt.
  • When a student graduates from school, 50% of the knowledge he/she has just wrote to all the schoolpapers, is already outdated.
  • In year 2008 there were one new product per 3 minute that has been published to the audience.
  • Hurry is one of the worst enemies in ideation process and creative thinking.
  • We are not couraged to hesitate anything. We learn to swallow without thinking. We learn to believe blindly. When we continue to working life from school, we have become humans who have learned not to question enything.

 " That situation, that everything is ok,
doesn't mean that it couldn't be any better."

- Eveliina

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